Clutch Cargo 43
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    Plus Kel with his pals spinner and paddle foot in another exciting adventure Heather puddle Ok You

    know Hello Yes Oh Tom Page Hello Tom How's my faithful editor Cla would you come over to the

    office right away It's urgent Professor Chickadee president of the Fine Feathered Friends Club has disappeared Oh yes

    Professor Chick is famous Where was he last seen Tom He left last month for the remote area

    of big wet lake to observe the hatching habits of the whooping crane the big wet Well

    Tom I know that area very well I wrote about it in my first adventure logbook Precisely That's why I

    called you You're publishing his latest bird watching book aren't you Tom That's right He's up

    there collecting material for the last chapter The book goes to press next week and I haven't heard

    a word from him Excuse me Good morning Robin glad you could make it This is Robin

    Ren Professor Chickadee's nephew How do you do Mr Cargo I've heard of you and Mrs Spinner Hello Mr Rann

    and Paddle I'm sorry to hear about your uncle Robin but we're going to do

    all we can to find him I can't Thank you enough Mr Cargo Mr Page asked me

    to bring my uncle's picture Here it is He's quite small only 5 ft tall as you can

    see Very distinguished looking When he talks it's like birds singing He's so devoted to them

    Thanks Robin This will be a great help Yeah I'm sure if anybody can find

    him Mr Cargo you can we'll do our best and now Tom we'd better get going the sooner we start

    the search the better Well fellow Goodbye and good luck off on another adventure Go clutching company Nice weather for

    flying Yes be nice weather for bird watching too This big wet lake country is very rugged

    I just hope we're not too late to find Professor Tidy He's a very brilliant

    man I read one of his articles entitled Why is a pelican Go What's that funny looking V up ahead

    That's a formation of geese They always fly in a V formation like that Hey that's the way aqua the

    airplanes fly Just one of the many things we've learned from nature at this time of year

    The geese always head north to big wet We're going to fly with them What And company continue north

    led by a flock of geese spinner You can see big wet over there now Biggest game preserving the world

    water power flock gear from all over the world for protection against hunters Oh so that's why the Professor

    King Weigh up here It's a bird watchers paradise Not only that it's the last nesting

    grounds of the near extinct whooping crane The geese are going into a landing We'll follow them in and take

    a look around foxy I hear a flock of goosy They're geese You don't men keep

    down they headed right this way Do you see what I see Yeah Biggest goose I

    ever saw Stand back I'm gonna blast will that gun blast Wreck Clutch and Company be sure to tune

    in for the next exciting episode with but Carol Clutch cargo with his pals spinner and paddle

    foot in another exciting adventure Feather fuddle You'll remember last time Clutch and company were called by

    Tom Page Clutch's editor His call was urgent Professor Chickadee president of the Fine Feathered Friends Club had

    disappeared in the remote section known as Big Wet Lake as Clutch Prepared to land

    Biggest goose I ever saw stand back I'm going to blast shark spinners Some of the things

    were geese were not going to find out who was shooting at us and why I'll get him

    this time He's coming right this way Hold it together Match no goose that there is a flying machine What's

    a big idea goose We just landed when Sorry my partner here is awfully near sighted Yeah

    I thought you was unfriendly gooses Geese Yeah Geeses Ok Ok But you're not supposed to be shooting

    at geese don't you know this is a Game Preserve Game Preserve Why No I didn't know

    that Did you gizzard No nobody never told me Well I'm telling you if you know what's good for

    you you'll clear out of here Oh we will We were tired of hunting geese anyway He means goss

    by the way Have you seen a little man with a pointed nose who was probably carrying a camera

    and a notebook You mean a little thin man with skinny legs big eyes around

    head with Fozzy hair Yeah by golly That's him We ain't seen him Yeah Oh that's

    a funny one Gizzard Yeah You may think that's funny but it's not Come on Spinner crank

    up the angel Let's go Right clutch I'll go right back Those snoopers would have to

    show up just when our feather harvest is getting good Yeah Foxy We really got it

    soft We can't let them fuddle up our feather business right We gotta think of a sneaky way

    to stop them What if they find that little bird man out there We got to get there first

    and see that doesn't happen Come on he is not lookout Spinner Professor Tide is

    out here somewhere Must have seen him They knew a lot more than they were willing to

    admit He will be hard to recognize if we do have spot him Catch Look over there My

    colleague I think in somebody's hat it could be the professors jump out and take a

    look Hey it's Professor Ticket's hat All right His initials are on the hat band

    losing his hat could mean he's in some kind of trouble The professor is in trouble

    His tracks Stop right here Clutch Oh look at this Something's been dragged to the water edge Probably

    a net You don't suppose someone trapped him Do you clutch I don't know Spinner

    but I have a feeling he's in great danger The word help frantically written in the sand

    What could have happened to Professor Chickadee Be sure to tune in for the next exciting

    episode with Pat Cargo But cargo with his pals spinner and paddle But in another

    exciting adventure feather puzzle you'll remember last time Clutch and company landed their planes after

    almost being blasted by a shotgun had two characters named Foxy and Gizzard who must have seen the professor because

    they described him to a thieve clutch and company find the professor's a paddle foot finds something else

    You don't suppose somebody trapped him Do he clutch I don't know spinner but I have

    a feeling he's in great danger Oh dear Will this egg never hatch And I promised the mother

    whooping crane I'd look after it until she returned I must have sat here for days Oh

    where Oh where could she be You got to take that bird brain professor by surprise

    Yeah we got to get the professor before that cargo guy finds him The brain will spill

    the beans About our federal business You can still bet he's sitting on that Yeah

    We caught the mother birth days ago He don't know she want to be back Yeah

    that there he is Get out the giant gosh Gizzard Got that Foxy The professor is mastering the mud

    He and twice as slippery Oh dear Those two rogues are back bent on mischief I

    see I must save my egg after him Foxy don't let him get away Where

    did he go Why We must have lost him back there in the weeds I see him

    There he goes again Taxi He is headed for the oh it's those two goose hunters

    They're chasing something What it professor trickery then what looked him up in a goose club Any horn comes

    to this a you will have to answer to big crane Calm down birdie or

    we'll make you both into an omelet 00 hey here comes that snoopy cargo quick Let's get out of here

    We'll beat it by the bull rushes He missed us That guy cargo He wanted to give up He'll

    be back and when he does we'll be ready for him Tie the birdie to a

    stick We'll use him as a decoy And when you get through we help me load

    our big be out No sign of the professor out this way We lost them back there in the

    bull rushes They better circle back here They come quick help with our decoy dizzy Ok And I on

    target is something kicking out of the bull It's a professor in close and have a good look 20

    Hi Is there any way for clutch to avoid being hit Be sure to tune

    in for the next exciting episode with Clutch our goal clutch cargo with his pals spinner and paddle

    foot in another exciting adventure feather puddle You remember last time Clutch and the company were bound and

    determined to find Professor Tier the professor had been sitting on a whooping train egg hoping

    it would hatch However Foxy and Gizzard found him first as clutch flew over the spot where they

    had seen an ready higher Yeah the tail and wings are on fire Hang on spinner This is going

    to be a rough landing I guess we showed them how we can shoot snoop and Birdman

    just like shooting a flock of gooses Hey you mean geeses gooses geeses What's the difference we can now

    go back to finishing our fortune in feathers please Oh please untie me My egg is getting cold It's

    all right gear Let's untie old birdie brain and let him sit on that egg again Yeah And

    when that big old whooping crane egg hatches it'll be just one more big batch of feathers

    right For plucking right Start hatching birdie Here you are Professor old boy Your egg is still look

    warm spinner paddle foot you ok up there we're ok Clutch But our plane is all shot to

    pieces Lucky for us that big splash we made when we landed put the fire out

    But all that's left is our pontoons and engines It was those two feather snatchers He deliberately shot his

    do with some sort of big cannon Yes And they used Professor Chickadee as a decoy Let's

    go back there and settle scores with those two Listen it's cargo He's coming back We must only wing

    him We only shut his tail off I'll bet he's Mather than a wet mud And thank

    goodness mother whooping rings Egg and I will be saved after all Not If we can help him They

    going what props It was a homemade log cannon stuffed with gunpowder and rocks We

    could have been killed a porch Here's their trails through the floor was go after Can

    be too far ahead Shit we can overtake no spinner We've got less drag with these pontoons and

    proxy That bobtail flying machine is catching up with us Step on it I've got

    my foot in the carburetor Now this is as fast as you go How about stopping him with this

    gig of gunpowder while you're standing there Do it light the fuse and keep it overboard

    No no Wait about that Why go I'll dump you over two No dynamite Yeah With no tail on the

    plane clutch just couldn't steer it Is this the end Be sure to to in for the next

    exciting episode with clutch cargo clutch cargo with his pal spinner and paddle foot in another

    exciting adventure feather puddle You remember last time clutch and company survived being hit by the homemade Canon clutch

    spinner and paddle foot set out in what remained of their plane Still determined to find Professor Tidy They had

    almost caught up with Foxy and Gizzard who had captured the professor When Gizzard picked up a

    can of dynamite Foxy tells him like the fuse and he went overboard the dynamite Ah that cookie they'll

    never catch us now Oh dear mercy Not What will ever become of them They'll

    become a Raven beat That's what poor plane How do we ever catch him Now

    We still have our engine the prop's not damaged We're not licked yet Come on Spenner

    I've got an idea You mean you think we can make it fly again Yep Get out the tool kit

    We'll catch those wild goose men yet Hey Foxy what are we going to do What do you think we're

    going to do We're going to get our life savings and better It works It works Right Just

    like a helicopter spinner now a little more like we'll get those crooks I'll be here

    comes that cargo again I told you that guy would think of something as for the high dogs We've

    got to save our feathers That's why I've been heading stupid They're headed for that big fever dance I bet

    that's their right out Step on it Gizzi We only have a few seconds to load our feather fortunes

    Oh these feathers are getting heavy I'm going to sit down right in the middle of

    them Spinner What's the feather's line The heart do you want No No Our fortune of feathers thrown

    away Grab them gizzard I am foxy I got two Get em get em desert

    You're going to look out for the yourself Roxy the egg Ho ho Oh dear No Oh no

    The egg it broke you did it Professor Chickadee You hatched a baby whooping cranes

    Strong and healthy too Yes Be mother cropping crane Oh I'm so glad you're safe I

    found her in a pan not back but they're the birds I was really looking for What

    kind of birds are those dirty bird spinner And soon there'll be jailbirds club Chicago Spiner and Paddle

    foot in behalf of the Fine Feathered Friends Club We thank you and thank you honorary members of the Bird

    Watchers International And so end the story of K cla cargo with his pals spinner and paddle

    foot and feather puzzle Be sure to tune in for the next exciting adventure with Kloch


    Plus Kel with his pals spinner and paddle foot in another exciting adventure Heather puddle Ok You

    know Hello Yes Oh Tom Page Hello Tom How's my faithful editor Cla would you come over to the

    office right away It's urgent Professor Chickadee president of the Fine Feathered Friends Club has disappeared Oh yes

    Professor Chick is famous Where was he last seen Tom He left last month for the remote area

    of big wet lake to observe the hatching habits of the whooping crane the big wet Well

    Tom I know that area very well I wrote about it in my first adventure logbook Precisely That's why I

    called you You're publishing his latest bird watching book aren't you Tom That's right He's up

    there collecting material for the last chapter The book goes to press next week and I haven't heard

    a word from him Excuse me Good morning Robin glad you could make it This is Robin

    Ren Professor Chickadee's nephew How do you do Mr Cargo I've heard of you and Mrs Spinner Hello Mr Rann

    and Paddle I'm sorry to hear about your uncle Robin but we're going to do

    all we can to find him I can't Thank you enough Mr Cargo Mr Page asked me

    to bring my uncle's picture Here it is He's quite small only 5 ft tall as you can

    see Very distinguished looking When he talks it's like birds singing He's so devoted to them

    Thanks Robin This will be a great help Yeah I'm sure if anybody can find

    him Mr Cargo you can we'll do our best and now Tom we'd better get going the sooner we start

    the search the better Well fellow Goodbye and good luck off on another adventure Go clutching company Nice weather for

    flying Yes be nice weather for bird watching too This big wet lake country is very rugged

    I just hope we're not too late to find Professor Tidy He's a very brilliant

    man I read one of his articles entitled Why is a pelican Go What's that funny looking V up ahead

    That's a formation of geese They always fly in a V formation like that Hey that's the way aqua the

    airplanes fly Just one of the many things we've learned from nature at this time of year

    The geese always head north to big wet We're going to fly with them What And company continue north

    led by a flock of geese spinner You can see big wet over there now Biggest game preserving the world

    water power flock gear from all over the world for protection against hunters Oh so that's why the Professor

    King Weigh up here It's a bird watchers paradise Not only that it's the last nesting

    grounds of the near extinct whooping crane The geese are going into a landing We'll follow them in and take

    a look around foxy I hear a flock of goosy They're geese You don't men keep

    down they headed right this way Do you see what I see Yeah Biggest goose I

    ever saw Stand back I'm gonna blast will that gun blast Wreck Clutch and Company be sure to tune

    in for the next exciting episode with but Carol Clutch cargo with his pals spinner and paddle

    foot in another exciting adventure Feather fuddle You'll remember last time Clutch and company were called by

    Tom Page Clutch's editor His call was urgent Professor Chickadee president of the Fine Feathered Friends Club had

    disappeared in the remote section known as Big Wet Lake as Clutch Prepared to land

    Biggest goose I ever saw stand back I'm going to blast shark spinners Some of the things

    were geese were not going to find out who was shooting at us and why I'll get him

    this time He's coming right this way Hold it together Match no goose that there is a flying machine What's

    a big idea goose We just landed when Sorry my partner here is awfully near sighted Yeah

    I thought you was unfriendly gooses Geese Yeah Geeses Ok Ok But you're not supposed to be shooting

    at geese don't you know this is a Game Preserve Game Preserve Why No I didn't know

    that Did you gizzard No nobody never told me Well I'm telling you if you know what's good for

    you you'll clear out of here Oh we will We were tired of hunting geese anyway He means goss

    by the way Have you seen a little man with a pointed nose who was probably carrying a camera

    and a notebook You mean a little thin man with skinny legs big eyes around

    head with Fozzy hair Yeah by golly That's him We ain't seen him Yeah Oh that's

    a funny one Gizzard Yeah You may think that's funny but it's not Come on Spinner crank

    up the angel Let's go Right clutch I'll go right back Those snoopers would have to

    show up just when our feather harvest is getting good Yeah Foxy We really got it

    soft We can't let them fuddle up our feather business right We gotta think of a sneaky way

    to stop them What if they find that little bird man out there We got to get there first

    and see that doesn't happen Come on he is not lookout Spinner Professor Tide is

    out here somewhere Must have seen him They knew a lot more than they were willing to

    admit He will be hard to recognize if we do have spot him Catch Look over there My

    colleague I think in somebody's hat it could be the professors jump out and take a

    look Hey it's Professor Ticket's hat All right His initials are on the hat band

    losing his hat could mean he's in some kind of trouble The professor is in trouble

    His tracks Stop right here Clutch Oh look at this Something's been dragged to the water edge Probably

    a net You don't suppose someone trapped him Do you clutch I don't know Spinner

    but I have a feeling he's in great danger The word help frantically written in the sand

    What could have happened to Professor Chickadee Be sure to tune in for the next exciting

    episode with Pat Cargo But cargo with his pals spinner and paddle But in another

    exciting adventure feather puzzle you'll remember last time Clutch and company landed their planes after

    almost being blasted by a shotgun had two characters named Foxy and Gizzard who must have seen the professor because

    they described him to a thieve clutch and company find the professor's a paddle foot finds something else

    You don't suppose somebody trapped him Do he clutch I don't know spinner but I have

    a feeling he's in great danger Oh dear Will this egg never hatch And I promised the mother

    whooping crane I'd look after it until she returned I must have sat here for days Oh

    where Oh where could she be You got to take that bird brain professor by surprise

    Yeah we got to get the professor before that cargo guy finds him The brain will spill

    the beans About our federal business You can still bet he's sitting on that Yeah

    We caught the mother birth days ago He don't know she want to be back Yeah

    that there he is Get out the giant gosh Gizzard Got that Foxy The professor is mastering the mud

    He and twice as slippery Oh dear Those two rogues are back bent on mischief I

    see I must save my egg after him Foxy don't let him get away Where

    did he go Why We must have lost him back there in the weeds I see him

    There he goes again Taxi He is headed for the oh it's those two goose hunters

    They're chasing something What it professor trickery then what looked him up in a goose club Any horn comes

    to this a you will have to answer to big crane Calm down birdie or

    we'll make you both into an omelet 00 hey here comes that snoopy cargo quick Let's get out of here

    We'll beat it by the bull rushes He missed us That guy cargo He wanted to give up He'll

    be back and when he does we'll be ready for him Tie the birdie to a

    stick We'll use him as a decoy And when you get through we help me load

    our big be out No sign of the professor out this way We lost them back there in the

    bull rushes They better circle back here They come quick help with our decoy dizzy Ok And I on

    target is something kicking out of the bull It's a professor in close and have a good look 20

    Hi Is there any way for clutch to avoid being hit Be sure to tune

    in for the next exciting episode with Clutch our goal clutch cargo with his pals spinner and paddle

    foot in another exciting adventure feather puddle You remember last time Clutch and the company were bound and

    determined to find Professor Tier the professor had been sitting on a whooping train egg hoping

    it would hatch However Foxy and Gizzard found him first as clutch flew over the spot where they

    had seen an ready higher Yeah the tail and wings are on fire Hang on spinner This is going

    to be a rough landing I guess we showed them how we can shoot snoop and Birdman

    just like shooting a flock of gooses Hey you mean geeses gooses geeses What's the difference we can now

    go back to finishing our fortune in feathers please Oh please untie me My egg is getting cold It's

    all right gear Let's untie old birdie brain and let him sit on that egg again Yeah And

    when that big old whooping crane egg hatches it'll be just one more big batch of feathers

    right For plucking right Start hatching birdie Here you are Professor old boy Your egg is still look

    warm spinner paddle foot you ok up there we're ok Clutch But our plane is all shot to

    pieces Lucky for us that big splash we made when we landed put the fire out

    But all that's left is our pontoons and engines It was those two feather snatchers He deliberately shot his

    do with some sort of big cannon Yes And they used Professor Chickadee as a decoy Let's

    go back there and settle scores with those two Listen it's cargo He's coming back We must only wing

    him We only shut his tail off I'll bet he's Mather than a wet mud And thank

    goodness mother whooping rings Egg and I will be saved after all Not If we can help him They

    going what props It was a homemade log cannon stuffed with gunpowder and rocks We

    could have been killed a porch Here's their trails through the floor was go after Can

    be too far ahead Shit we can overtake no spinner We've got less drag with these pontoons and

    proxy That bobtail flying machine is catching up with us Step on it I've got

    my foot in the carburetor Now this is as fast as you go How about stopping him with this

    gig of gunpowder while you're standing there Do it light the fuse and keep it overboard

    No no Wait about that Why go I'll dump you over two No dynamite Yeah With no tail on the

    plane clutch just couldn't steer it Is this the end Be sure to to in for the next

    exciting episode with clutch cargo clutch cargo with his pal spinner and paddle foot in another

    exciting adventure feather puddle You remember last time clutch and company survived being hit by the homemade Canon clutch

    spinner and paddle foot set out in what remained of their plane Still determined to find Professor Tidy They had

    almost caught up with Foxy and Gizzard who had captured the professor When Gizzard picked up a

    can of dynamite Foxy tells him like the fuse and he went overboard the dynamite Ah that cookie they'll

    never catch us now Oh dear mercy Not What will ever become of them They'll

    become a Raven beat That's what poor plane How do we ever catch him Now

    We still have our engine the prop's not damaged We're not licked yet Come on Spenner

    I've got an idea You mean you think we can make it fly again Yep Get out the tool kit

    We'll catch those wild goose men yet Hey Foxy what are we going to do What do you think we're

    going to do We're going to get our life savings and better It works It works Right Just

    like a helicopter spinner now a little more like we'll get those crooks I'll be here

    comes that cargo again I told you that guy would think of something as for the high dogs We've

    got to save our feathers That's why I've been heading stupid They're headed for that big fever dance I bet

    that's their right out Step on it Gizzi We only have a few seconds to load our feather fortunes

    Oh these feathers are getting heavy I'm going to sit down right in the middle of

    them Spinner What's the feather's line The heart do you want No No Our fortune of feathers thrown

    away Grab them gizzard I am foxy I got two Get em get em desert

    You're going to look out for the yourself Roxy the egg Ho ho Oh dear No Oh no

    The egg it broke you did it Professor Chickadee You hatched a baby whooping cranes

    Strong and healthy too Yes Be mother cropping crane Oh I'm so glad you're safe I

    found her in a pan not back but they're the birds I was really looking for What

    kind of birds are those dirty bird spinner And soon there'll be jailbirds club Chicago Spiner and Paddle

    foot in behalf of the Fine Feathered Friends Club We thank you and thank you honorary members of the Bird

    Watchers International And so end the story of K cla cargo with his pals spinner and paddle

    foot and feather puzzle Be sure to tune in for the next exciting adventure with Kloch